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Welcome to

the wish

and other short stories

a child’s wonder and curiosity pulls her into a beautiful sea of grasses and flowers.


about the


JJ Robbins grew up in Southern California and Southern Arizona. She currently lives in a rural town in Colorado with 2 of her 4 children. She has a great love for the outdoors, gardening, fantasy, and the ideas and rituals of how we, as humans, deal with death. She is currently attending Denver University and working on her Master’s program in Professional Creative Writing. She has loved to read and write ever since she was a child. Her biggest passions as a kid were anything and everything to do with dinosaurs, dragons, vampires, and fairies. These days she drives a Jurassic Park SUV mock-up as a hail to her childhood love affair with the prehistoric and loves every second of it. She loves to play Dungeons and Dragons with her children, no matter where they are in the USA, and enjoys the adventures and stories that they come up with. She loves to go to thrift stores and antiques shops because old broken things have stories to tell. Writing is her passion, second only to her children.

experience the book



chapter 01 : Experience the book

She was the first in many long years who actually saw him, he mournfully thought, as dandelion tops floated towards heaven.

The air filled with soft buzzing of bees and flies, and the occasional whiff from the Bull’s nose. Off in the distance, the tinkle of a young girl’s laughter broke the morning’s tranquility. His

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She Was The First In Many Long Years Who Actually Saw Him, He Mournfully Thought, As Dandelion Tops Floated Towards Heaven.

The Air Filled With Soft Buzzing Of Bees And Flies, And The Occasional Whiff From The Bull’s Nose. Off In The Distance, The Tinkle Of A Young Girl’s Laughter Broke The Morning’s Tranquility. Hisity. His…
J.J. Robbins was raised in the deserts of Southern Arizona, but currently enjoys the open plains and majestic mountains of Colorado. She has a Bachelors in History and is currently working on her Master’s in Creative Writing at Denver University. She loves to photograph nature along with her passion for reading and writing. She lives in a fun little house that was built in the 1890’s that she shares with two of her four kids, a snake and according to her youngest, a resident ghost that got named Sir Cedrick the Third.

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